Tell Me What Happened
Many people feel daunted by the idea of telling a child about the suicide death of a loved one. This book features professional tips and advice on talking with children and young people about suicide, as well as first-person stories by program participants.
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Nothing Prepared Me For This
An anthology of work by writers who have experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide. Through workshops and discussions, the writers identified that when suicide occurs, the effect upon those left behind is like ripples in a pond. These ripples form the themes of writings presented in this book.
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Thank You for Listening
Our second anthology of creative work by people bereaved by suicide. It is a compassionate yet sobering light on the torment, bewilderment and, ultimately, the inspiring resilience of those left behind.
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The Cost of Silence
A collection of stories and poetry from men sharing their experience of losing a loved one to suicide.
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Information and support for parents who have lost a child to suicide
This booklet was prepared following a series of meetings with parents bereaved by suicide.
Access the booklet here