Partners Support Group
If you have lost your partner to suicide and you would like to meet others who are travelling a similar road, you may wish to come along to the Bereaved Partners discussion evening at Support After Suicide.
This is what one person wrote after attending for the first time
“I [recently] attended the session for bereaved part-ners. I didn’t know what to expect, and I guess like some other people there I went with a little trepidation. I wasn’t sure what I would feel or why I wanted to go. Once I was there, I felt like I could stay and speak to every person there all night. They were people like me that I could relate to.”
The evening is free to attend and facilitated by a bereavement counsellor assisted by trained volunteers who have also lost a partner to suicide.
It may be useful to talk to the group organiser prior to attending for the first time. To contact us, please call on 1800 943 415 or you can email us at aftersuicide@jss.org.au
Please note, Support After Suicide’s events are open to residents of Victoria only.